How many times have you started a project with huge amounts of enthusiasm and energy only to find partway through the task you’re working on becomes daunting and you start looking for excuses not to commit time or effort to see it through?

Welcome to the curve of awesome!

We’ve all seen those house building shows like Grand Designs where the main characters have grandiose dreams of a house that will (in their minds) define the future of house design as we know it!

Excitement levels are super high at the beginning – ideas, dreams and concepts are flowing!

The architect has drawn up the plans and presents their design masterpiece to the client and motivation is at an all-time high! All parties involved are excited and ready to get stuck in to make this thing come to life!

Building starts in earnest and the vision starts to take shape and become a reality. The builders have poured the foundations and begun work on raising the structural core.

And then the curve of progression gets a little bit steeper, more difficult. Requiring more focus and input into figuring out difficult problems or issues. Changes are made, new elements are added to the design which in-turn potentially creates more problems to solve.

At this point, the project is teetering on the edge. The client has reached a critical point, do they keep going and push on through with focus, determination and a willingness to get the job done? Or do they divert their energies elsewhere to projects that seem more manageable and easier to accomplish? Thus leaving the main project to flounder and potentially never see the light of day?

This is the curve of awesome!

Keeping the motivation, focus and emotional commitment to a project takes planning and determination. Being able to maintain that sense of awesome throughout the project lifecycle requires prolonged effort from all parties involved. If everyone shares the load and stays committed to the project it will get completed and everyone can sit back and bask in the glory of their efforts.

The lifecycle of digital projects is exactly the same!

  1. Project initiation and idea generation begins – we’re excited!
  2. Structure and methodology are chosen and agreed upon – we’re motivated!
  3. Design commences and everyone is at an all-time high! – we’re feeling really awesome!
  4. The technical build phase begins – we’re feeling pretty good…
  5. The issues start to become a reality – we’re feeling a bit meh…
  6. Specific technical aspects present themselves – we’re not feeling so awesome.
  7. Decisions need to be made to find solutions – …is there anyone else who can answer this?
  8. A content strategy needs to be implemented – we are REALLY not feeling the awesome now!
  9. Fill in the gaps and make sure the I’s are crossed and T’s dotted – that other project looks fun now!
  10. Are we done yet?

We can see that at the point where critical decision making and content obligations are required to be sorted the feelings of awesome-ness towards the project can be at an all-time low.

How do we fix this and keep the awesome vibes going?

Project planning!

Make sure you create a strategic plan for each phase of the project. Have that plan in place to refer too as you go through the full project lifecycle. This allows you to jump in and out of the project as you deal with other projects or facets of your business. Then when you do reengage that project you know exactly where you are and what is required of you at any point. This keeps your awesome levels for the project consistently bubbling away at a good level!

Content planning

This is probably the largest contributor to the erosion of awesome! When faced with the enormous task of sorting out content for your digital project the reality of what is required can (and has) set many clients running for the hills in despair! Planning out your strategy for content is crucial for keeping those awesome vibes flowing! Plan well and plan early when it comes to content. Here are some things to consider when preparing your content,

  • Will you re-use any existing content?
  • How much content do you actually need?
  • Will you write your own or get a copywriter?
  • Do you have existing imagery or do you need a photographer?
  • Will you use paid or free stock imagery?
  • How will you organise your content?
  • When does the content need to be finished by?
  • Does your content fit within the project structure?
  • Who will enter and administer your content?

And we haven’t even mentioned the tone, visual aesthetic or call to action purpose of your content yet! (Read more on that here.)

Regarding content, plan well, plan early, be focused and above all be committed!

Variations, compromises and issues

Throughout every project, you will come across situations that have the potential to reduce your sense of awesome that are both within and beyond your control. This is where it is crucial you make time and attention to roll up your sleeves and face these situations head-on and get them sorted in a timely fashion. Leaving problems to the too hard basket or convincing yourself you will deal with them at a later time will very rapidly reduce your awesome for the project and potentially lead to the whole thing being stalled.

Just get in there and get it done!

So we have just about squeezed out the last few drops of awesome from this project. Now we need to get stuck in and tidy up the final little details, gaps and unpolished elements before we set the project live. Doing so will finalise the end phase of the project and allow us to finish on a high. If we falter here we will lose the last remaining molecules of awesome and the whole project could grind to a halt, never to be completed! Muster the strength, rally the troops and make that final push with those energy reserves!

We are here to help you with planning and organising your projects to keep you on the curve of awesome! Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss how we can help!
