GirlGuiding New Zealand

GirlGuiding New Zealand

GirlGuiding New Zealand tells us girls can do anything. We think so too and were keen to help the organisation get the message out with a shiny new website.

GirlGuiding’s mission is to empower girls to take action to change their world. Fun, adventure and friendship are the guiding principles that help girls to build their confidence and life skills.

GirlGuiding NZ is a non-profit organisation and a member of the World Association of Girl Guides active in 150 countries. They offer an open-minded, safe and values-based learning environment, a supportive place to grow confident, adventurous girls.

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GirlGuiding New Zealand

Our Role

GirlGuiding NZ had undergone a recent brand re-fresh and as part of this, were looking to create a new website that would connect with its core audience – girls and young women.

The Meta team played a key role in re-positioning the organisation. Our job was to build a site that looked enticing – to excite members and attract new members, plus was easy for members to use and staff to update.

Our Role
GirlGuiding New Zealand

Our Solution

The site has had rave reviews from staff and members. Streamlining the login experience was good for members and reduced the amount of office support needed.

Integrating the website with the Girl Guide’s international administration platform, Online Guide Manager, allowed for easy membership management including real-time updating of information not only across the website, but within the organisation’s membership database.

The team were proud to handover a really amazing platform where staff can manage and control content any way they want.

Our Solution

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